Thursday, June 20, 2019

In Search of Summer!

Since it doesn't seem to want to show up at home, we're heading out to try to find some warmer weather. The rivers in Europe seem to have recovered from last year's drought - in some places there's too much water now! But this isn't the case in the Rhine and Mosel where Crystal Bach will be taking us for 11 days on a round trip from Amsterdam. Weather forecasts so far are showing high 20s Celsius for the whole area we will visit - we're keeping our fingers crossed that they hold up.

Our itinerary takes us from Amsterdam to the 'German Corner' at Koblenz where the Mosel flows into the Rhine, and up the Mosel all the way to the Roman-established city of Trier and then back again, stopping in different places along the way. You might recall that we've been this way before, with Tauck in 2015, and there will be a little duplication, but we'll be able to do and see some different things this time.

As always, we invite you to follow along as we post photos of the beautiful scenery and the food (can't forget the good German food!) a little information and the anecdotes and observations that make any trip memorable.

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